How to delete a profile on Odnoklassniki: step-by-step instructions. How to permanently delete a page in Odnoklassniki How to erase a page in Odnoklassniki

For whatever reason, the user decides to leave communication in Odnoklassniki and finally remove his profile from the site, his actions should be as follows. So, to start deleting a page from the Odnoklassniki social network, you will need to first go to it. To do this, indicate your username and password on the main page of the site. You can also simply use the previously saved link to the site in your browser bookmarks. Then, when you are in your account, scroll the mouse wheel to the very end of the page and in the list of all sections available on the site, find the “Regulations” item. After clicking on this link, the “License Agreement” will open in the next window. You don't have to read it anymore. At this point, you will need to scroll through the text and get to the end of it, where you will need to find the “Unsubscribe” link.

Feel free to press the button and go to the next page. Here you will need to note the reason why you are going to leave the social network. For the convenience of clients, the Odnoklassniki service offers the use of already prepared answer options. Among them: design that does not suit the user; prices for services provided; a hacked profile from which information has been completely deleted; creating a new account; refusal to use social networks; moving to another network. You just need to choose from the available arguments the most suitable argument for you.

Here the Odnoklassniki service will remind you that if you delete your profile from the site, you will lose not only personal data, but also friends’ contacts, comments, images, ratings for photos, achievements in games and much other information. Are you ready for this? If yes, then all you have to do is indicate the password used to enter the site in the appropriate field and then click the “Delete” button.

However, before you use it, you should think again and weigh the pros and cons of deleting your account. If you are still in doubt, click the “Cancel” button. And when you finally mature, you can return to this procedure again.

Finally and irrevocably

Social media users the network should remember that if suddenly, after deleting your account on the Odnoklassniki website, after some time you decide to restore it, you will not succeed. The page disappearance procedure is final and non-refundable. So in this case, the saying “Measure twice and cut once” is more relevant than ever.

Psychologists have found that seeing friends is not only pleasant, but also useful; and not for business, not for establishing communications and other material benefits, but for health - physical and mental. Exactly! In the process of communication, the interlocutors “gain” sunny positivity from each other and painlessly remove the accumulated negativity of everyday problems from their consciousness.

What about social networks? Will they be suitable for such recovery? Unfortunately no. At least, this is what over 90% of their users think: they prefer real meetings. And they do it right! If you decide to leave Odnoklassniki, it means you are trying to join this majority. And accordingly, leave Internet channels in reserve - just in case.

Follow the instructions carefully, and your profile with personal data will safely, and most importantly - quickly, disappear from the popular social network.

1. Go to your Odnoklassniki page.
If you want to delete on PC:

2. Using the scroll bar again, under the long set of rules, find the “Refuse services” link and click on it (on a PC: move the cursor and click the left mouse button).

3. After these actions, the Odnoklassniki website will ask you to “explain” why you decided to leave. Fill out the form as follows:

  • in the “Specify the reason...” column - check the box next to the circumstance due to which you want to “leave” Odnoklassniki. If you don’t find one on the list, you can choose any option - at random. After all, the user has the right to keep their true intentions secret;
  • In the “Enter password” field, type the password for your profile.

4. Having indicated all the required data, think carefully again whether to remove yourself from the social Internet space or still remain in it. Doesn't the feeling of separation and regret disturb your consciousness? No, oh well! Click the "Delete Permanently" button.

That's the whole procedure for destroying a personal profile on Odnoklassniki! Please note: it is performed by you personally and, accordingly, free of charge; without the participation of other users and, especially, IT specialists.

If the deletion is successful, the Odnoklassniki website will redirect you to the login page. To check the absence/presence of a profile on social media. network, try logging in with your login. A personal page will open, which means you did something wrong. The message “such an account does not exist” will appear - everything is “ok” - you can delete it; rejoice over your “disappearance” from the digital wilds of the social network.

Plus to this! Now, dear reader, you can competently help not only yourself, but also your loved ones, friends and acquaintances in solving the question “How to remove yourself from Odnoklassniki forever?”

May you never lose the feeling of comfort and user freedom on the Internet.
All the best!

Hi all! Today we have a short article that will tell you how to delete a page in Odnoklassniki. And to be more precise, not a page, but an entire account, because it is clear that in social networks each account can have quite a few pages, for example, albums, videos, a wall (if you open it separately), and so on. And most often we want (you want) to delete all your traces on this social network, all pages. In general, read the instructions.

Classmates is one of the most famous social networks for users from the CIS countries. Today it is the second most popular in Russia. The relevance of social networks is associated with convenient functionality, a large number of users, free access and other functions. Almost every resident of Russia has his own page on the social network Odnoklassniki. There the user has all the information (sometimes very important) that he decided to post. If the user needs to delete his profile from a social network, then this can be done both from a PC and from a mobile phone. Choose what is most convenient for you.

How to delete a page in Odnoklassniki from your computer

In order to quickly delete a page from classmates, it is best to use a computer. To do this you need:

After deleting the page, all your personal information will disappear from your account, and users and your friends will no longer be able to see your profile.

How to delete your Odnoklassniki page from a mobile phone

If you use social networks via a mobile phone, then you can also delete your Odnoklassniki page. It is impossible to delete a page through the Odnoklassniki application. Don't even look. You can only delete your profile through the official Odnoklassniki website. To do this you need:

  • Go to the website
  • Go to your profile (although you can skip this step, you are most likely already logged in).
  • Find the social network logo and click on it. After opening the additional menu, select " Full version of the site«.
  • Next, the user will see exactly the same site interface as in the computer version.
  • Now you need to perform similar actions and delete your page.
  • Go to section regulations.
  • Go to link refuse services.
  • Select the option why you want to delete and confirm the deletion using your password.

Page in deleted within 90 days. During this time, you can restore your page. If 90 days pass, the account will be deleted forever and irrevocably. Therefore, before deleting a page on Odnoklassniki (or any other social network), make sure that you really need it.

Among the leaders of this sector in Russia is Odnoklassniki. Sometimes, for various reasons, it becomes necessary to delete your page on a social network. Is it difficult to do? What is the algorithm of actions? It’s clear that the owners of such platforms are not at all interested in losing users. And everything needs to be done quickly and forever. We have carefully studied this issue especially for you. And the solution to how to delete a page in Odnoklassniki is in this publication.

How to delete an account in Odnoklassniki forever?

In fact, solving such a problem is not overly complicated. Moreover, two different methods are available at once. Which one you choose is up to you. The first involves using a URL address. Nstart with it, if it doesn’t work out, then use the official deletion through the so-called regulations. The second method 100% guarantees a successful result.

Method No. 1 - URL address

Solving the problem ofhow to delete a page in Odnoklassniki from a computer, many choose this method. The reason is quite clear: it is very simple and fast. But if there are nuances. A deleted account does not immediately disappear from the database. He still remains in the Odnoklassniki developers' record, but for no more than three months. What should be done?

First, open the Odnoklassniki website, log in, go to your account page. It is important that the address bar is not reflected as, and that the URL contains the ID, that is, the user’s serial number. To do this, click on your name (at the top of the page). An inscription like this will appear: “/profile/732233538213445” (individual profile numbers).

Then you need to copy the following URL: ?amp;st.layer.cmd=PopLayerDeleteUserProfile and paste it after the ID, and then click Enter. After these actions, an additional window will appear. There you can confirm the deletion of the profile. Important: confirm deletion only if you are completely confident in your actions. After all, the page can be deleted immediately. You can check this like this: reload the page, open Odnoklassniki again. Then enter your password and login. If the deletion is successful, a window will appear notifying you that the profile was deleted at the user’s request. This method is very simple. But, unfortunately, it doesn't always work. If something goes wrong, feel free to use option number two.

Deleting a page in Odnoklassniki through regulations

If you are thinking about how to delete a page in Odnoklassniki from your phone or computer, and the first method turned out to be ineffective, do not despair. There is another option. It is newer and allows you to delete a profile almost instantly. The developers of Odnoklassniki, of course, had no doubt that sooner or later one or another user would show a desire to delete his account. Therefore, they included such an item in the functionality of the site. But the catch is that finding the right button is not so easy. And although the tricks are quite cunning, there is a solution. And it works. More on this.

What is needed to delete a page? First, this is the profile password. It will need to be entered from the keyboard. Second, first save all the data that is important to you. Photos, videos, audio - all this material will disappear and become inaccessible to you immediately after deleting your account. Therefore, take care of this in advance.

The algorithm of actions is as follows:

  1. Log in to the Odnoklassniki website.
  2. Open your profile
  3. At the very bottom of the site in the large menu, find “Regulations” and click on it.
  4. Go to the license agreement section. Here, find “Contact support” and “Refuse services” (sometimes there is no such inscription, instead there are two dots) and click on this link.
  5. On the newly opened page, indicate the reason why you are deleting your personal profile (such data is of interest to Odnoklassniki developers in order to optimize their platform). As a rule, there are five ready-made options, choose any of them (I don’t like the design of the resource, my old page was hacked, I want to create a new account, etc.). Unfortunately, you can't add your own.
  6. Enter your profile password again and click “Delete forever.” After this, your page will disappear.

Important information

Please note: you will be able to register a phone that was linked to your old profile to a new account only after three months. It is impossible to restore your old account, since all data is automatically deleted completely. And one more important nuance - such actions are only available on the full version of the site, so you won’t be able to delete a profile from your phone.

Odnoklassniki is the most popular social network. Not many people remember, but before registration on this resource cost money, but over time the administration abolished this measure and opened up free access to the social network. Today the number of registered users of the resource is already more than 330 million. At the same time, the question often arises,. Today we will look at this question in detail and give a comprehensive answer to it, so that everyone can do it on their own.

Complete account deletion

First, we’ll figure out how to completely delete your own page from a social network, after which we’ll clarify some of the nuances. First of all, it’s worth considering that after completely deleting the data, you won’t be able to restore anything and you won’t be able to register a page with the same contact information using a new one. Therefore, consider whether such extreme measures are really necessary. If, despite everything, the answer is yes, then you can delete the page following the algorithm.

  1. Open the social network website and log in with your login credentials. This must be done from a PC in the full version of the site. It is worth saying that previously users had access to a quick and easy way to deactivate a page, based on using a special URL, but today it does not work. We will analyze the standard removal method that the developers offer.
  2. Let's go down the page. It’s better to do this not in the feed section, but, for example, in messages, where constant updating will not force you to scroll endlessly. In the lower list of additional sections, find “Regulations” and go to it. It is usually located in the far right column, approximately in the middle of the list.
  3. In the window that opens, the user will see an agreement on the use of the resource. You just need to scroll through it without going into the details of what is written.
  4. After the text of the agreement there will be a command “Refuse services”. This is exactly what we need. Click on it and in the window that appears, indicate the reason for deletion. In general, it doesn’t matter which cell you click on; if you wish, you can even indicate your own reason and state your personal wishes to the site administration in the text.
  5. Then you need to confirm your actions by specifying the password for the page (as you can see, without authorization data the undertaking becomes more complicated).
  6. Check the box next to “Delete permanently” and complete the process.

After this, the page will be hidden from prying eyes, but will still be visible to the resource administration. Complete data deletion will take approximately three months, after which no information about your profile will remain on the social network. If during this time you suddenly decide that you got carried away, then there is always a chance to get your account back. To do this, just log in using your details.

What to do in special situations

Above we described the standard algorithm for deactivating your own profile on a social network; this method is ideal, but it is only suitable if there are no problems with accessing your account. Unfortunately, in reality everything is not always so smooth. Let's figure it outin some special cases.

If there is no password

The situation when a user completely forgets the password for his own account is not at all uncommon. Administrators have provided for it, and there is a proven method for restoring authorization data. But it will only help if you have access to a linked phone or email. If this condition is not met, then we can offer two options.

  1. Contact social network support from another profile with a request to restore access to the desired page. The method will take a lot of time and user verification will be required. Technical support will definitely request a photo of the user’s identity document; it is also important that the page contains real photos of the owner. Once access to the profile is obtained, the deletion procedure is reduced to the algorithm described above.
  2. The second option that can be used is a mass complaint about an unnecessary page. To do this, you can ask your friends to report your profile for spam or other unauthorized activity. As a result of such actions, the administration will permanently block the page and all data will disappear from the resource.

The second option is given as an alternative and does not guarantee the desired result.

If the owner of the page is no longer alive

Unfortunately, such situations are also not uncommon. The administration of the social network does not have up-to-date data in this direction, so relatives of deceased users have to independently resolve the issue of deletion and, most often, they no longer have access to the linked numbers and emails.

Not everyone knows how to delete such a page in Odnoklassniki. In general, there is nothing complicated, just contact technical support from another page and clarify the situation. In order for the security service to verify the accuracy of the data, it is necessary to send a document confirming the death of the user.

How to delete a page in Odnoklassniki from a mobile device

Today, more and more users prefer mobile devices to computers, and, therefore, use smartphones and tablets to access the social network. For the convenience of clients, a special mobile application was developed for classmates, which is quite popular.

In this regard, the question arises of how to deactivate a profile using a mobile phone. The developers did not provide such an opportunity. This is primarily due to the security of the account itself. A mobile phone may fall into the hands of criminals, who, in turn, will be able to delete someone else’s account and deprive the user of important data stored in the profile.

However, there is an option for this case too. To delete a page in Odnoklassniki from a mobile device, you should open it in your smartphone browser and go to the full version of the site. In the future, we will proceed according to the deletion algorithm in normal mode. The option is not the most convenient, since using the site in full mode using a mobile browser is not so easy.

As mentioned above, you can restore the page within the first three months from the moment of deletion. In the future this will not be possible under any circumstances.

That's the question, can be considered closed. Our article has options for all possible situations. If you have any difficulties, we are waiting for you in the discussions, we will try to solve the problem. We invite everyone to discuss the reasons that prompted you to delete your personal profile on the social network. If you liked the article and helped you, share it with your friends and read more, there is a lot of interesting stuff here.

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