How to create mobile applications for iPhone and Android yourself? Android application development. How to make your own Android application Create an application for a smartphone

Among the currently existing operating systems, Android is especially popular. More than 80% of smartphones and tablets around the world run on this operating system. Every year, hundreds of different device models are released, based on Android. At the same time, many gadget users are interested in the possibility of independently creating applications to run on this OS. Next, we will look at ways to write a program that can not only be installed on your own smartphone, but also published in the official Play Market service.

A professional approach to Android programming

For beginners who have never dealt with creating applications, you will have to provide yourself with the following:

  • programming educational materials;
  • a prepared development environment, which includes a lot of subsystems and settings;
  • information about the operation of applications on Android OS;
  • Experience in working with various algorithms.

If there are no problems downloading the programming environment onto your computer and installing all the necessary problems, then you can proceed to the next steps. On the way to programming you will have to study a lot of textbooks and instructions. Among other things you need to learn to read someone else's code and find in it the necessary knowledge and programming techniques. Looking at the parameters of even the simplest application, you may be surprised at the amount of work that has been done by the developer.

There are an endless number of different instructions and training courses for working in the Android software environment. Accordingly, the future programmer should not have problems finding information.

Android app builders

If one glance at the main components of the application is enough to scare you, then do not despair. Programmers have developed special constructors that allow you to assemble your own programs by simply combining different elements. Users should not have any difficulty finding and downloading such systems. Many of them can be found in the public domain. Also, various forums and video tutorials will help you quickly understand the basic principles of operation. Using constructors, the following programs are created:

  • systems for viewing news;
  • virtual cookbooks;
  • blogs and small social networks;
  • programs for stores;
  • text editors.

Often, work in the constructor is accompanied by tips that also help to profitably sell the resulting application.

App2b constructor

This programming system is designed for business program creators. Most popular online stores, product catalogs, mobile news resources and other similar applications are created in just such a constructor. The user also gets access to branded hosting and convenient tools for promoting the finished program.

Like many other business tools, App2b constructor is paid, while the price includes both development and a package of additional services. The cost of one application in App2b is 9900 rubles. The user will have the opportunity to seek help from qualified technical support and publish their product in the Play Market application store.

By the way, App2b was created not only for developers working in the Android environment. The designer implements a similar package of services for producing programs for the iOS operating system. Accordingly, there is the possibility of publication and promotion on the App Store.

Appsmakerstore constructor

An equally serious system designed for developing programs from entry-level to professional level. The services of this designer are used not only by the creators of entertainment and information programs, but also by the developers of various government systems. Appsmakerstore helps you easily equip applications with the following functionality:

  • creating and uploading news;
  • playback of any multimedia;
  • tools for connecting to various sites and social networks;
  • organizing orders and payment for services through applications;
  • control over the location of gadgets and other necessary options.

The designer allows users to engage not only in the production of programs, but also in the creation of individual designs. Users/developers can upload logos, personal photos and other corporate attributes, depending on their needs. In this case, it is possible to work with ready-made layouts or compile several existing templates. The finished program, after all the final adjustments and testing, the user can easily publish for public viewing in the Play Market store for Android users.

Free New Digital Times App Builder

Working with this system implies the need to install a set of programs on your work computer. This allows you to work without being tied to the Internet, in any convenient place. According to the creators of New Digital Times, everything necessary for programming is available to users absolutely free. In order to access the functionality, you must register and get an account.

The advantage of this designer is the light weight of both the download file and the program installed on the PC. To begin the creative process, the user just needs to log in to the program after it starts. The creator can equip his application with all the most common elements. During the process, you can visualize the result obtained. You can view and test the finished application directly on your computer monitor.

Once all the necessary work is completed, New Digital Times allows you to publish your applications on the market for users to download. The system can also work as a platform for producing applications for iOS.

Net2Share constructor

For particularly enterprising creators who want to get the maximum benefit from their product, there is the Net2Share platform. Visitors to the official website of the designer may be intimidated by the presence of the “Tariffs” tab. However, there is no need to worry - there information is provided about the affiliate system that allows you to receive money from creating applications.


Using one of the designers described above for your needs, you can get a finished application of fairly good quality. The designers have decent functionality, so they will solve most problems. However, if you are willing to put in the time and effort to learn the basics of programming, the possibilities are endless. Don’t forget that the entire development cycle can be entrusted to third-party programmers.

The path to software development is not easy, but if you are interested, like android, then you need to start somewhere. But, let’s say, there is no desire to study programming languages, but you want to immediately move on to creating a finished product. Is this possible? Yes, yes! So we’ll look at it as a complete beginner (or on Android).

Search for material

To create a good game, many people look for manuals. They are useful for step-by-step learning and understanding the basics, but for complex projects they are not enough. So, a person must have the skills to solve problems that arise. And this only comes with experience, and manuals, alas, will not help here. Therefore, the best answer to the question “How to create an application for iOS 9 yourself” (or for Android) is to start working on it. But let’s figure it out how this process happens.

Choosing a direction

Many people recommend not starting with big projects like MMOs, 3D FPS and so on. The argument is based on the fact that many people abandon their development without completing it. Therefore, it is recommended to start with small projects. But at the same time, you can hear the idea that it is necessary to decide on an idea and begin to implement it. It may take a person a year or even more, but in the end he will do everything that needs to be done. But it is necessary to weigh and understand all the risks, since even a small mistake made at the beginning can turn out to be a significant problem already at the final stage of creating the project. Therefore, it is necessary to study the existing theoretical issues qualitatively, carefully and very carefully.

To make work easier, one large project can be divided into a large number of small ones. But after one module is completed, it must be combined with existing work.

Event Handling: Essentials

When work begins, you should take on the easiest thing, where you don’t need to worry about the presence of complex algorithms or artificial intelligence. However, you should try your best to understand the fundamental principles of game architecture and logic. In this case, something that works on a step-by-step basis would be optimal.

When considering how to create iOS applications from scratch, one cannot help but mention this advice: start with the core of the program. It will be easy to modify individual details at the final stage.

Various actions

The most used ones include movements, collisions, synchronization and animation. In addition to these, game loops, scoring, determining victory or defeat status, and other important basic concepts that are used in many applications are of great importance. So, it is recommended to start with collision detection, transitions between levels, creating minimal logic, primitive artificial intelligence, and so on. You can also try splitting the program into two or three files to achieve the best result in terms of optimizing the resources used. At the same time, it is advisable to try to keep everything within reason, and the application does not turn out to be too large.

We reach a more difficult level

Before this stage, a person should already understand and know how to create an application for iOS or Android. It requires a carefully designed architecture, which necessitates the use of planning. Thus, it is often necessary to have advanced physics (for example, recognizing collisions between different objects and different types of surfaces). This is necessary to make applications (in this case games) more realistic.

Just remember Super Mario - in it, gravity and inertia are made in such a way that they create the feeling of their real presence. For a serious brain challenge, consider a game like billiards.

If you want to create programs aimed at useful activities, you need to take other features into account. These include the following: the accuracy of the data processed and stored and the formulas used; the correctness of all paths; application stability; optimal use of available resources and so on. Returning to the topic of games, we note that in this case level editors, which simplify the writing of complex developments, can show good results.

Working on artificial intelligence

The success of modern games lies in their principle of interaction between several people. But the presence of artificial intelligence allows us to introduce a number of interesting aspects, so it is not completely ignored, but used as a good addition.

To simplify tasks, certain algorithms are often used. Of course, for this, as a rule, you also need to have a good understanding of mathematics, but thanks to the Internet, you can figure out almost anything without having any basic knowledge. Algorithms are also useful for interaction at varying gameplay difficulties. In applications, artificial intelligence can analyze user actions and offer optimal work options for him.

Using the network

When considering the question of how to create applications for iOS or Android, it should be said that adding the Internet significantly complicates the task. For example, care must be taken to ensure that the actions of one player are transmitted to others. For this purpose, as a rule, a server is used as an intermediary. The better it is done, the more reliable the development will be. But along with this, the load will also increase.

For applications where network latency and packet loss have a negative impact, you will have to design everything as optimally as possible. First of all, this means programs that exchange significant amounts of data. To understand the working mechanisms here, it is highly recommended to use a local host and small programs that transmit small amounts of information (chats are an example). In addition, due to the nature of the protocols used, one often has to make a choice between speed and reliability.

So we looked at how to create iOS applications from scratch. As you can see, this requires a lot of study and practice. Is it possible to do without this? Oddly enough, this is quite real. Let's talk about this.

Development without learning programming

This is especially relevant in cases where you need to quickly create a small program for a website with simple functionality. Although experienced web developers can also resort to this. Special services come to the rescue with this. They can all be united under the slogan “Simple, cheap and fast!”

Examples include the following services: AppsGeyser, TheAppBuilder, Appsmakerstore, Biznessapps,, iBuildApp, Viziapps, AppMakr, Mobile Roadie and AppsBuilder. Each of them has its own unique features and functions.

You also need to understand that almost all of them are paid. And the free versions do not have wide functionality. If we consider their general scheme, we can say that they reflect the idea of ​​level editors that we discussed earlier. But in this case they cover a very wide scope. Here, answering the question of how to create an application for iOS without programming skills, you also need to worry about the fact that you will have to pay for such luxury, and a considerable amount. Such servers are foreign or aimed primarily at foreign users. Thus, the price of their services will range from 10 dollars to several hundred for one month of use. That is, time is money. In this case, it will be necessary to ensure that the opportunities presented are used to the maximum.

Service functionality

So we looked at how to create applications for iOS and Android. Now let's pay attention to the functionality they have. If we divide it into categories, we have the following:

  1. Aimed at working with content. Such services help collect information from the site and combine it into one application. An example is AppsGeyser. Moreover, in this case, you can not only collect information, but also place advertisements in applications.
  2. Shareware services, which, using templates and designers, allow you to create applications for sports, education, music, and so on. True, they will contain advertising, which can be turned off for a certain amount. In the case of TheAppBuilder, this will cost $5.
  3. Paid design services, which allow you to create business-related applications. Their functionality includes a basket for goods, geolocation, placement of information about available goods and services, upcoming events and promotions, and so on. An example is the previously mentioned Biznessapps service, but its prices are steep, because they start at $29.
  4. Creating applications is free, money is required when it is published in the store(for example, in the Google Play Market). An example is BuildFire. True, its peculiarity is that you only need to pay once a month. The amount in this case is 49 US dollars.

As you can see, there are two options for creating applications for iOS and Android. Which one to ultimately choose is up to the user.

“How I would like to create a game for Android myself!” Which of us hasn't thought about this at one point or another? Create your own application or game for Android without programming knowledge – Real! All you need to do is download the program or use the online application service (designer). There are paid and free constructors, as well as with the possibility of earning money from advertising that will be shown in your applications.

Game Creation Applications

The easiest and most accessible way is to download an application for creating games on Google Play. Yes, the game will turn out to be simple, but you have to start somewhere.

1. Draw Your Game

A convenient program that gives everyone the opportunity to create their own video game in a few simple steps.

  1. Draw your game world on a piece of paper using four different colors (black, blue, green and red).
  2. Use the app to take a photo of your drawing.
  3. Wait 10 seconds for DYG to turn the drawing into a game.
  4. Play your game by controlling its character.
  5. Share your creativity with other users.


2. Apper (Create your own program)

With Apper you can create and publish your own apps in 5 easy steps. The program is very easy to use and does not require programming knowledge.

The application is free, but to publish your project on the App Store or Google Play, you need to purchase a paid subscription.


3. AIDE- IDE for Android Java C++

Is an integrated development environment (IDE) for creating real Android applications directly on your Android device. Follow the lessons to become an expert and apply these skills to your own applications.

Main functions:

  • Compatible with Eclipse projects.
  • Java/XML and Android SDK.
  • C/C++ and Android NDK.
  • Java console applications.
  • Synchronization with Dropbox.


4. Createrria 2 craft your games

With this game you can create your own exciting games in a matter of minutes, share them with friends and become famous. Without programming skills, all you need is your imagination.

Main features:


5. STRUCKD – 3D Game Builder

It combines a gaming community and an advanced platform in which you can create a unique 3D world and share your creations with other people. The genres to choose from range from racing games to Tower Defense and Action Puzzlers.

  • 3D game constructor with drag-and-drop.
  • A collection of several thousand games created by other users.
  • Gaming community: set records and rise in the standings.


6. Sketch Nation Create

Another good platform for creating online games. Now you can make real real-time multiplayer games and play them with your friends. The application allows you to create from the simplest to more advanced games, using various genres, making the service suitable not only for children, but also for students, and even teachers.


Online game and application designers

If you decide to try a more serious platform for creating games and applications, with further publication on Google Play and the AppStore, then we recommend trying any of the online constructors for PCs presented below.

List of the best online services where you can create games and applications for mobile devices:

  1. – Probably the best online builder today. Appsgeyser allows you to create various types of games and applications in unlimited quantities for free. After checking and testing your software, you can publish it freely and without any restrictions. In addition, you will receive 50% of the income from advertising.
  2. is one of the world's largest creative communities - and the number one platform for game development. With Unity you can create any 2D or 3D games. The development process will be easy, and the result will be deeply optimized and beautiful.
  3. – Make games effortlessly! Construct 2 is a game builder for Android that lets you create amazing games without coding or scripting!
  4. – Paid application builder for your business. Allows you to create applications for Android or IOS (iPhone and iPad) for free. Applications created using the designer can be not only animated, but also supplemented with video and sound.
  5. – paid creation of a mobile application for iOS (Apple) and Android (Google) phones online.
  6. – Create and launch a mobile application in 3 quick steps.
  7. – make your own application in 20 minutes or use a ready-made template.
  8. is a free online service for quickly creating mobile applications for business.
  9. is an online service for creating your own application in a few clicks. Create your own applications for free, publish them and earn money from advertising for every 1000 views.
  10. – Creation of an application for small businesses with extensive capabilities.

How did you manage to create your application? Share your opinion by leaving a comment at the bottom of the page, perhaps your message will be useful and will help other users make their choice.

Today the IT sector is developing quite quickly. Each person, if he wants to try himself in it, chooses one of the directions and moves towards the goal. Many people prefer applications for iOS and Android. Creating them, of course, is quite difficult; patience, knowledge and free time are required. If you are serious about this, then you should study and go towards your goal. on one's own?

Development environment

First, you need to install a program where you will work with the interface and prescribe actions for the necessary elements. The most common is Xcode. Unfortunately, this development environment is only available to users of Apple products. At the moment there is no official version for Windows or Linux. Different versions of iOS require different versions of this program.

Add-ons for working with graphics

To develop an image or design for games, you need to install a graphics utility. A common application is CorelDraw, which allows you to create photographs using vector graphics. Of course, for full-fledged operation you need to purchase the full version, but standard methods can be used for free.


The Objective-C programming language is used to create functionality for the game. As you may have noticed, it comes from the C family of languages, so if you have previously studied another programming language, you can spend quite a bit of time on in-depth study and start creating your own applications. Of course, there are many books on learning Objective-C.

Account creation

In order to subsequently sell your application, you need to register in the AppStore. It will also allow you to provide open access to other users so they can test the program. Of course it's not free. You will need $100 to put your app on sale for one year.

You can also look at test applications. Some are provided with information about how they were developed. Look at similar examples of what you want to create and try to make something similar.

Application layout

First, you need to decide on the target audience for your application. The interface and functionality will depend on this. Of course, if you are developing a program, it is worth achieving a solution that did not exist before. This is the only way to achieve popularity.

It is also worth deciding how the application will be structured. You should make the interface as simple as possible so that it attracts new people, and does not scare you away without showing your capabilities.

Each button should display its actions and show what it will do. The user should not have any questions about what any key will do. Think over, and then implement, a high-quality interface.

Creating an application

First, you need to open the development environment in question and create a new project. To do this, you need to go to the “File” section and go to the “Application” item. Next, select “iOS” and go to the empty application “Empty Application”.

You can create an iOS application using various templates that are created for different tasks. To begin with, it is better to use an empty one to understand all the intricacies. You can use them later.

In the new window, enter the product name and your identifier, and you should also specify the class prefix. If you are a novice developer, you should specify “com.example” in the identifier field and “XYZ” in the prefix field. Next, select “iPhone” from the proposed devices and confirm your actions.

Use Storyboard

To begin your journey of creating an iOS app, you can use Storyboard. What it is? This is a feature that allows you to visually represent all your screens in the program. It shows all the windows and the transitions that are used between them. This is a good helper in creating a program. To open Storyboard you need to:

    go to the “File” section and select “New”;

    select the “File” button and go to “User Interface”;

    after that, select the desired function;

    All that remains is to select the iPhone device and name the file.

It should be remembered that it must be saved in the folder where data about your project is stored.

Adding a screen

To add a screen, you must use a view controller. It allows you to determine what the interface will look like for the user. There are many built-in view controllers. You can look at each available option and decide which design you like best.

· To do this, go to the “Main.storyboard” file through the navigation.

· Select “Object Library” to load all the necessary objects.

· You need to click on “View Controller” and drag it to your project. This will add your first screen.


For iOS? So, you have decided on the interface and added a screen, now you can move on to creating certain objects. To use standard elements, open the Objects Library list. If you find a suitable object, then you can transfer it to your screen. It can be easily moved and scaled.

Editing elements

When you place objects, you use a constructor of sorts. You can create an application for iOS this way, but these elements have an ugly, standard appearance. To change the design: color, font, add pictures and other parameters, you need to select an object and go to its properties. This can be done by clicking on the “Attributes Inspector” button (the label resembles a shield).

Navigation bar

You'll soon add many more screens, and the program will require you to enter navigation so you can easily find the information you need. To add it you need:

    Find the place where this element will be located. It's best applied to the Start screen to control other windows.

    Click on the “Editor” button and go to the “Embed In” item.

    All that remains is to select the required element - “Navigation Controller”.

Additional features

As you may have noticed, we have not yet used a programming language to create an iOS application. This moment will be yours alone. You must figure out what your application should do and implement actions in the Objective-C language for it. If you do not have good programming skills, then you should read additional literature.

Application testing

Xcode has an emulator that allows you to test. Afterwards it needs to be tested to check its functionality. To do this, go to the “Simulator and Debug” section. Select the device you want to use for testing.

Building the program

How to create an iOS application yourself? For a full-fledged or game, you need to assemble a project. Go to the “Build” item and click on it. This will compile the application, and after that it will run immediately. This will take you about five minutes. You will be able to watch the assembly take place.

Testing device

To finally make sure that your project works, you need to run tests on your device. If you have an iPhone, then you can do this without any problems. Connect your device to the PC. Then we carry out the actions that we have already considered. Click on the “Device and Debug” button, and then go to the “Build” item. In a few minutes, when the application is assembled, it will launch on your device.

If you have figured out how to create an application for Android and iOS, but you are having some problems, you need to fix them. You can see in the console what errors occurred during testing. In general, this is quite an important process, because if you test your application well, it will bring success. You can also take help from your friends. To do this, you should send them your application and wait until they find errors.

Publication of the project

You need to create an assembly. To do this, select the “Distribution” item in the menu and click on the “Build” button. Next, select your project and archive it. You must understand that the application must be optimized for the required platform and be suitable for a retina display, otherwise it will not be approved.

Go to your AppStore account and add a new program or game. You will need to enter all the information about the application: title, description, keywords, category, copyright and contacts. We also fill out the field with the price and rights. All that remains is to add an icon to your application and a few screenshots.


Once your app is downloaded, it will be verified. Within a few days you should receive an answer. At the initial stage, the program is automatically checked. If everything went well, then it is transferred to the “In review” state. If this does not happen, then in a few hours you will be able to receive a response by email. You can also get information about how to eliminate defects and what is needed for this.

If the application passes all checks, it will be placed in the Apple Store for sale. Your task now is to advertise a program or game. This will determine how much money you earn. You can use various services for advertising.


Application development follows a similar principle, but in a different development environment for Windows. How to create an application for iOS? This is a rather long and complex process. This must be approached with certain knowledge and skills. This is the only way you can achieve anything. You can realize your ideas without specific skills. Select the company you want and consider how much it costs to create an iOS app. You can also order some components if you are unable to do something yourself.

Dmitry Dementiy

Do you doubt whether it is worth investing in mobile application development? You can do it yourself and absolutely free. You may end up with a test version that can be used to conveniently evaluate the effectiveness of your mobile strategy. And if you try, you will make a decent mobile application that will become the main tool for online interaction with owners of smartphones and tablets.

Just keep in mind that even the coolest mobile application cannot be the only promotion tool. Only comprehensive Internet marketing gives maximum results in terms of traffic and sales.

Is it worth making your own mobile app?

Costs. If you don't take my word for it, here are some facts:

  • According to Flurry Analytics and comScore, owners of smartphones and tablets use the browser only 14% of the total time they work with the device. And they spend 86% of their time on different applications.
  • The installed application is your direct channel of communication with the consumer. Just think: you don’t need to spend money on advertising or wait for a person to find you using Yandex. All that remains is to support the functionality the user needs and provide him with relevant content.
  • The number of purchases made using tablets and smartphones is growing both on the Internet in general and in RuNet. According to marketing agency Criteo, already in 2016, more than half of online transactions in RuNet will be made using mobile devices.

If you want, the application is a mobile browser in which only your website opens. In what case would a user install such an Internet browser? Only if he is interested in your product or information. Therefore, remember: the client who installed the application is a loyal and ready-to-buy representative of the target audience.

In this case, is it worth taking the risk and offering DIY applications to loyal customers rather than custom programs made by professionals for Android and iOS? Let's figure it out.

When can you create an application yourself?

Do you remember what website visitors need? They come because of the content or functionality of the resource. People want to get information, buy something, look at and comment on friends' photos, and so on. Mobile app users need the same. They are looking for information or making some kind of transaction.

Do you remember when a business could make a website on its own? It’s right when you don’t yet have money to collaborate with professionals, but you still have the time and desire to figure out WordPress or Joomla. The same situation is with applications. Self-created programs for iOS and Android can be roughly compared to websites built on open source engines.

You don't have to register to start working. Click the Create Now button on the main page or select the Create App menu in the upper right corner on any page of the service.

Select the appropriate application template. If we are talking about a content project, you may be interested in the following options:

  • Manual. This template allows you to create a guide program.
  • Blog. The application will help your blog audience read new notes from the screen of a smartphone or tablet.
  • Website. The template converts a website into an application.
  • Pages. With this template you can convert any content into an application with simple functionality.
  • News. The template allows you to create an application that is an aggregator of industry or regional news.
  • Page. The template converts offline content, such as an e-book, into the application.
  • VK Page and Facebook Page. Create an application that allows you to monitor updates of open groups on VKontakte and Facebook.
  • YouTube. Use the template to promote your YouTube channel.

How to Create a Blog App

Use the Blog template. In the appropriate field, enter the URL of your blog or RSS feed. Select a note title color.

Enter the name of the application.

Add a description.

Choose a standard one or add a custom icon. The appropriate image size is 512 by 512 pixels.

To create a download file, click the Create App button. After this, you need to register in the system. Confirm your registration and go to your personal account. Here you can install the application on your mobile device, publish it on Google Play and Amazon App Store. The system also offers a monetization option. If you use this feature, advertisements will be displayed in the application.

Check how the application works on your mobile device. On a tablet, the program should display a list of blog posts in title and announcement format.

In your AppsGeyser personal account, you can monitor the number of installations, create push notifications, publish the application in stores, monetize the program using advertising, and edit the application.

Want more apps? Then create a guide app using the Manual template.

After editing the content, specify the name of the application, add a description and an icon. Click the Create App button. After creating the download file, install it on your mobile device and check its functionality.

Please note that most mobile devices block the installation of applications from unknown sources by default. If a user downloads a program from your site or an app builder site, they will see a security warning when they try to install it. Some clients will probably refuse to install the program.

8 constructors similar to AppsGeyser

If the universal AppsGeyser constructor is not suitable for you, pay attention to similar services:

  • AppsMakerStore. Using the service, you can create applications of various types: from programs for Ecommerce to solutions for content projects. The designer makes applications for iOS and Android. The service interface is Russified. For beginners, there is an informative guide to using the constructor. The service is paid.
  • Mobincube. A tool for creating and monetizing iOS and Android applications. The basic functionality of the service is available for free. The designer allows you to create applications of different types.
  • Good Barber. Using this service you can develop Android and iOS applications. The constructor is paid, the cost of use is 16 USD per month.

Most of the services offered have an English-language interface. If you are uncomfortable working with constructors in English, choose platforms with Russian-language content.

Application designers: a stone ax or a thin modern tool?

Don't go from one extreme to another. With the help of the proposed services, you can really create functional functional applications. The resulting programs can be used to solve various problems: from facilitating online trading to distributing content and educating audiences. Applications created in the designer can be published on Google Play and the App Store, edited, and monetized using advertising or paid installations.

Do not overestimate the services offered. Their obvious drawback remains their stereotyped nature. We are talking about both the design and functionality of the programs. In addition, access to platforms with decent functionality is paid. What is better: to pay the developers for their work once or to pay the owners of the designer for many years? Do the math for yourself.

And one more thing: if you don’t have time to create a mobile application yourself, contact our company. We develop mobile applications and .

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